Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Prestige!

As promised, the review on "The Prestige"!

First of all, the movie is not everyone's cup of tea. But if you understand the scenario well, you wouldn't be saying "hell, I didn't know what was going on". This review will help you understand better as you watch the movie.

As I have mentioned in previous post, it's about two rivalry magicians who are always trying to surpass each other. Rupert Angier(Hugh Jackman) and Alfred Borden(Christian Bale) plays the two magician friends. Their friendly competition has turned into a battle with deadly consequences after an accident(which happened in the beginning). The cast in addition includes two time Oscar winner Michael Caine and the gorgeous Scarlett Johansson.

So, after the accident, there were consequences. Then, movie started rewinding from a point to show how it all happened, so dun think it's jumping here and there. You'll see their many attempts in trying every possible ways and even sacrificing their love ones to get each others tricks and get revenges. Consequently, their battle started jeopardizing the lives of everyone around them. Remember, this is not the movie where you can predict it, instead, it'll tie knots on your mind. It's the kind of movie where everything get settled and you get the clear picture of the whole thing only in the end! The movie is full of twist and turns. It will just keep you guessing and just when you think what's going to happen, you'll get another twist and ditto! I love movies with full of twist and it's superior of its kind. I'd rate this a 9 out of 10 and it's a must watch!

I guess I'd write a few more reviews this week, "World trade Centre" or may be "The Departed". "The Departed" isn't on the screens yet, but I'm gona check it out today. Either way, I'll be writing one. Stay tuned till then!


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